Stay tuned for updates about the 2024-2025 school year!
We are in the process of updating our Web site to have the latest information for calendar dates, orchestra information and booster club updates. Please check back often as we will be adding more content in the days and weeks to come.
2024-2025 Calendar Updated
The 2024-2025 calendar has been updated. Make sure you click in the lower right corner to sync our calendar to yours so you don't miss important dates, rehearsals, events, etc.
Winter Concert Rose Sale!
Click this link to go to the winter concert rose sale!
Disneyworld Trip Payments
Payments dates are listed in the calendar. You may make payments through Presto, cash, or checks made out to "L.D. Bell Orchestra".
Congratulations Rose!
Congratulations to Rose who was accepted into the highly prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy for the 2024-2025 school year!
Sing Me a Story
We were so excited to be given the opportunity to tell Elliott's story!
HEB Named Top 100 for Music Education
Beyond the Measure
Mrs. King was interviewed on Beyond the Measure, a podcast about music education, episode 20. To listen you can click the link below, or find it wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Beyond the Measure, Episode 20
Calendar (view)
Youtube Playlist:
Check out our YouTube playlist
Tweets by L.D. Bell HS Orchestra